Youth Voices from CYS 2023! Sharing knowledge and experiences.

November 24, 2023

Caribbean youth are currently brainstorming at the Caribbean Youth Summit (CYS) 2023 to develop a roadmap that identifies the strategies and actions to address regional and national issues associated with peace, security, and safety for youth and that generates positive social and gender norm changes to prevent violence.

The Caribbean Youth Summit 2023 was officially opened yesterday, Wednesday, 22 November, at the AC Hotel Marriot, Kingston, Jamaica. Activities for the summit are being held under the theme: ‘Securing Our Future: Youth Co-Creating a Peaceful and Sustainable Caribbean Community.’

Here’s what CARICOM Youth Ambassadors from Belize, Cayman Islands and Trinidad and Tobago had to say (Click videos below)!  

Follow all updates from the Summit on our social media platforms using #CYS2023 #CARIBYUTE 

Marissa Cervantes, CARICOM Youth Ambassador, Belize

Vanessa Burke, CARICOM Youth Ambassador, Cayman Islands

Luke James-Trim, CARICOM Youth Ambassador, Trinidad and Tobago

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