OAS: New Representative of Saint Lucia Presents Credentials

March 22, 2022

The new Permanent Representative of Saint Lucia to the Organization of American States (OAS), Elizabeth Darius-Clark, presented her credentials today to the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, at a ceremony held at the headquarters of the hemispheric institution in Washington, DC.

from l-r: Elizabeth Darius-Clarke, Luis Almagro

Secretary General Almagro welcomed Ambassador Darius-Clark back to the House of the Americas, after her previous period as Saint Lucia’s Permanent Representative from 2015 to 2017. “I have no doubt that as you did then, you will now make new and important contributions to the Organization. We look forward to working with you on important global matters, like climate change, and economic recovery in Covid and post-Covid times,” said Secretary General Almagro.

For her part, Ambassador Darius-Clark reaffirmed her country´s commitment to multilateralism and the Inter-American system. “My government’s mantra of putting people first affirms our commitment of placing people at the forefront of our political, social and economic agenda. It is a statement that aligns with the OAS’ slogan of more rights for more people,” said the Ambassador of Saint Lucia.

The new Permanent Representative from Saint Lucia is an educator with more than twenty years of experience and is also a management consultant.

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