LETTER: Tobago, Oh Tobago!

July 25, 2023

Given the current political atmosphere in Tobago, the P.N.M. need to rethink its strategy, any perceived interference by the central government in the affair of the Farley Augustine lead T.H.A. will only work in isolating the P.N.M. as the current narrative has been only effective in mobilizing its supporters in Trinidad.

Given the current alignment of seats in the House of Representatives, it will be unwise to further aggravate the Tobago House of Assembly (T.H.A) under Farley Augustine’s leadership.

Perceived interference from the central government would not only undermine the democratic process but also alienate the people of Tobago. The P.N.M. must understand that the political climate in Tobago is distinct from that of Trinidad, and a one-size-fits-all approach will not yield positive results.

Instead, the P.N.M. should focus on engaging with the people of Tobago, understanding their concerns, and addressing their specific needs. This requires a comprehensive reassessment of their strategy to ensure that it aligns with the aspirations of the Tobagonian population.

By actively involved in local communities, the P.N.M. will foster a sense of inclusivity demonstrating their commitment to Tobago’s development. This approach will not only help bridge the gap between the party and the people but also garner support beyond their traditional base.

Furthermore, the P.N.M. should consider reaching out to other political parties and stakeholders in Tobago to find common ground and build consensus on matters of importance. Collaboration and cooperation will be key in navigating the challenges faced by the island and forging a path towards progress.

In conclusion, the P.N.M. must adapt its strategy in Tobago to reflect the unique political atmosphere and aspirations of the island’s residents. By respecting local autonomy, engaging with the community, and fostering collaboration, the P.N.M. will build a stronger foundation for its presence in Tobago and work towards a more inclusive and prosperous future for all Tobagonians.

Dane J.B. Harper

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