Letter to the editor

July 17  2021

The Editor

What is interesting to note is that Britain, always has the highest quality and standard of products among countries in the world and the British Health Secretary has tested positive for the COVID virus after receiving , the two full required doses  , of the vaccines  for preventing you , from getting the COVID virus. So, what, then is the alternative for not taking the vaccine and not getting the virus? Nobody seems to know, but I will tell you: Some say we are spiritual beings having human experiences, some say we are celestial beings have physical experiences, and I say we are, solar beings, having earthly experiences. Scientists know that all energy comes from the Sun, and goes back to the sun, and that is, what is causing global warming, excessive carbon dioxide is blocking the energy from going back, to the sun at nights, likewise when we die our energy self which is the mind leaves the brain which is the body of matter and goes back to the sun, from where we prepare for other incarnations to other planets. So, as solar beings having Earthly experiences, what do we require to have a healthy physical body? We require  sun charged oxygen and sun charged hydrogen , and how do we get sun charged oxygen, through  exercise activity , or activity in an open sun charged atmosphere , and  we get sun charged hydrogen from sun charged water or fruits and vegetables and other foods. Other methods like medicine works , but  in the short term  and  then causes problems , one after the next in the long term , that’s why  today when  we solve  the problem of one strain of the virus with the vaccine another strain of the virus  develops. It’s like buying a vehicle  designed to use  premium gasoline and you are using  regular gasoline  as a shortcut to save money , after time  you will end up with multiple troubles and expenses  with the vehicle , nothing is wrong with the short cut way to health  by using medicines and that could be , because of laziness, but in the  long term, you  end up paying  the price  of health with one disease  and  several others occurring one after the next. The universe is governed by one immutable law, ie, to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So we can now safely say, that, there are only two diseases, one is loneliness, which can only be solved through companionship and one is laziness which can be solved through activity. Look at our ancestors in the past centuries, they had no medicines, but use to live long, through companionship and exercise activity or avid work activity in an open sun charged atmosphere and environment. Thank You.

 May we all live long and prosper.

Jeff   Naipaul



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