Letter: Black on the outside cream on the inside P.N.M

June 23, 2023

I can’t help but lament some pressing concerns regarding the ruling party in Trinidad and Tobago that I hope will not be labelled as an attack on the  P.N.M Government in Trinidad and Tobago but as an observation.

The P.N.M is portrayed as a national party with its core base being people of African descent who have supported the ideology of the party from its conception. Sadly although boasting about the revolution they made in education not one multi-millionaire has been created amount its main support from people of African descent.

The party is also solely dependent on a small fraction of society for its campaign funding an inclination that seems not to be changing anytime soon.

In closing the current regime is not going to change a structure that has been working for them for years to bring any real change to those who have endorsed them for generations nor am I advocating blindly supporting any opposition entity all I’m saying is we need to stop selling our vote for 30 pieces of silver with the understanding that anyone seeking our support as a community must agree to terms and conditions that meet and address the issue of economic opportunities for persons of African descent in terms of access to capital for starting businesses also land to create economic wealth within the community.

Dane J. Harper

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