EDITORIAL: Will Haiti ever get right, and why is America stuck on Afghanistan?

August 17, 2021

It seems as if our brothers and sisters in Haiti can never catch a break. Just when we thought the assassination of their president was bad enough, despite threats of it being in the air for months prior to the actual killing- by virtue of all of the protests and vituperation towards him over the last year- things got worse with this recent earthquake. This one bigger than the one in 2010.

What a cruel world it is isn’t it? It seems as if that side of the island is cursed. Why is it only that side of the island of Hispaniola has earthquakes? Haiti shares the island with the Dominican Republic and it’s not like we want to share the pain and misery of an earthquake, but it just seems as if God is speaking directly to our Haitian brothers and sisters.

God is speaking to them, but American refuses to speak to them or about them. Even though Haiti is right on their border and has been in a perpetual mess despite being the neighbour of the most powerful country in the world for years now.

Instead of America focusing on Haiti now in their time of need, they are instead focused on Afghanistan in a war they have clearly lost, if in fact “winning” the war was ever their angle.

To me, America should have gotten out of Afghanistan the day after they killed Osama Bin-laden and not a day more. Anything else was a precious waste of lives and money for a people who want the Taliban in place and prominently featured in their society.

It’s obvious by the way they so easily swept into Kabul that the government and “military” in Afghanistan wanted the Taliban and was in cahoots all this time for them to have their country back. As sad as it may make the most liberal of us, some people like the backwardness of Shia religion and ultra conservative religion.

So why are Americans consumed with Afghanistan when a humanitarian disaster is right next door they can alleviate? Is it because Haitians are black? Oh, we thought only Donald Trump hated shithole countries? Apparently the Biden administration, the American media and most Americans don’t have interest in black, shithole countries.

But this is typical American foolish hubris, all over the world fixing things that don’t need to be fixed. And as their society gets older with these new generation pontificators, it is getting worse. Afghanistan makes for good coffee shop chatter to make it seem as if you are up on worldly affairs, but down to the brass tacks of problem solving is being lost in America.

America: Leave Afghanistan. The people don’t want you there. Whatever civilian leadership you installed, they played you like a fiddle and wanted the Taliban all along. Wake up and focus on Haiti, someone who needs help and someone you can help.

Furthermore, it is not like it wasn’t turning into the same situation in Afghanistan you meted on Russia when the Soviet Union invaded in the 1980’s- whereas you armed the Taliban to beat back the Soviets and created Al-Queda in the process to do it. This time you are most likely fighting Russia again and the Chinese in proxy war. Let them have Afghanistan. That is their problem now, which they will find out soon enough because Jehovah, Yaweh, Allah, has a crude sense of humour and irony.

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