EDITORIAL- Why we are doing what we do!

December 4, 2020

Thank you for coming to Caribbean Magazine Plus. We are a Caribbean and Central American magazine made for exposing the culture and focus of the people of the region. We don’t do news, but we do people and interests.

So welcome and enjoy our content while it is still here. We publish once a week for now, and we may just continue the once per week rhythm for quite some time. We don’t really want to break news, but if we do then we do. We want to share information first and give insight secondly, more than anything else.

We were created in the time of COVID-19, so hopefully the cream has risen to the top and this magazine is a testament to the phoenix rising out of the ashes of the confusion and hard time, worldwide, that the COVID-19 pandemic has foisted upon all people around the globe.

Stick around, share your thoughts and views and more importantly, soak in the content and grow into what our vision for the region is. From Bermuda to Guyana, The Cayman Islands to Panama, we will have content that you want know or have access to.

Stay up!
Editorial team.

Email your opinions, letters and commentaries to: letters@caribmagplus.com

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