EDITORIAL: The great “woke” backlash is a reckoning to behold- They went too far!

May 5, 2023

The time now is brewing for a great reckoning against the “woke” and “me too” movement. They went too far to be totally honest to the point where it went beyond annoying. It was taking on a sickening, sinister tone for its blatant disregard for social norms and reality.

We saw that open display against the Bud Light marketing campaign for Dylan Mulvaney, the transgender activist and celebrity, which was a total disaster for the Anheuser-Busch company as sales for the beer tanked severely off of their “woke” angle centred on being transgender friendly. The big mistake here is that most beer drinkers, even for Light beer, are males that are predominantly heterosexual.

You are asking, predominantly heterosexual men, who still make more money on average than women and transgender people, to sit and enjoy a Bud Light while watching a boxing match or football game while being reminded of a transgender person? I remember the Shakira Super Bowl halftime show that received criticism from viewers for being too sexual at a time when people were really into the game, just the game. LOL… But this Bud Light marketing strategy was a really dumb and overtly aggressive move by LGBTQ proponents and I’m glad it fell apart so tragically. Sorry a company of longstanding had to take a severe hit for it, but it should be a barometer on how far these out of control woke and me too people should be willing to cross.

Another trend we are seeing and it is going to be something policy makers and international human rights organisations should watch very closely, is this report from the World Press Freedom Index, 2023 that is showing us that online attacks against women and journalists are increasing. Everyone has a right to express themselves, man, woman or child. This should concern anyone because as this anti-free speech begins to trend, the type of suppression in this case will continue to manifest itself in our daily habits and interactions with people.

As we congregate around thoughts that even remotely agree with our own thoughts, however warped they may be, they will become more solidified when we start to see people with similar attitudes and sentiments. Women who were under siege already in their homes will become more at risk as these attitudes take root in our communities.

Women have made tremendous success over the last 30 years, but this me too movement was not an achievement. In fact, it turned female advancement into a joke because it minimized female advancement to just sexual harassment and attention, the former was already hard to determine and the latter is what it is- attention. For example, half of us would not have been born if our father’s didn’t take a fancy to our mother’s, so for women to take their femme fatale mentality into overdrive to assault all men as sex starved annoying beasts needed a backlash. And we are seeing it by virtue of this World Press Freedom Index.

As sad as it is, it is what it is. Be on the lookout for an increase in this as the unnatural me too movement pushes the envelope into more frivolous and empty.

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