EDITORIAL: Peace be upon you this weekend.

October 20, 2023

This year is almost over and done with. Soon we will be listening to Christmas carols and bundling up with our cool winter wear.

This by no means is for everyone. We have wars in our own countries in the region in addition to witnessing wars in other parts of the world.

Also, some of us won’t have the luxury of being in safe, secure place heading into the final moments of the year even in our own homes or lives. Some of us will be facing our own personal demons and trials that will test your patience and endurance. But we must remain peaceful and have our eyes focused on the Lord.

For this editor, personally, I tended to have bad-luck during the last three months of the year. Whether it is relationship problems, financial or employment, everything goes haywire. Never could quite understand why that is, but it is what it is.

So when I say peace be upon you, I truly know how important that is to invoke that upon your life. Keep your hearts focused on the greater good and stay in your happy place.

Go with God.

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