EDITORIAL: New Year’s Resolutions are for dreamers, set your course today!

We are now in 2021, the magical date when all of the problems of 2020 would disappear, there would be no more COVID-19, no more joblessness, no more war in the Middle East and our politics would align just right for our progress.

But I can assure you nothing has changed with your life within the last 24 hours. In fact, most of us are probably in the same place or even worse because we fail to seize the day, carpe diem, or something like that.

The Bible tells us in Matthew Chapter 6:34 that “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” and in essence, don’t worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry for itself. Seems plain to me.

Lest we forget the hope we have for tomorrow was grounded on the work we did yesterday and also the vibe we get today is built on the work we did yesterday. We only have our now to worry about and our now is definitely more challenging than the what-ifs that may happen next week, next month or within the next six months.

Better yet, take it like this, tomorrow’s problems are none of your business. Even some of today’s problems are none of your business. You are not going to solve world hunger, end the wars in the Middle East or provide the vaccine for COVID-19, so don’t worry about it but worry about yourself and what you can do to make your little space a bit better.

I harken on a saying a former radio host used to say, “If everyone swept the front of their doors, then the whole neighbourhood would be clean,” or something to that effect.

So, my charge for this New Year is to quit dreaming. Set your own course today and watch how your neighbourhood gets better and by extension, when everyone does that we will all get better!

Happy New Year!

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