EDITORIAL: Never boycott an election!

November 11, 2022

Why on earth would the Opposition United Workers Party in Dominica boycott the upcoming election? Yes, there are irregularities. There are irregularities in every election around the world. Do you think Prime Minister Skerrit wants to lose power? No. You have to rip it from him and drag his little ass out of office. That’s how you do it.

So what if the register is shitty? Find a judge or an election official who ain’t fraid of Skerrit and will stand with you to fix it. There has to be someone in Dominica not afraid of Skerrit to make a move for you. Don’t be dumb, arrogant and selfish.

You see, this is why my former colleague and editor, the late Barry Randall, told me that regardless of how much noise they make in Dominica, Skerrit is just slightly better than all of them making noise against him. Now I see what he means.

But the UWP is just so hapless and out of it, that they are useless as they are right now. Regardless of how many international complaints we heard about Skerrit and how nothing in the country works optimally, he seems to be slightly more competent than those around and opposed to him. We see it clearly.

Frankly, we don’t really care who wins the elections in Dominica. We have no skin in the game. We just sits here and watch what goes on and from what we are seeing, even if by default, the Dominica Labour Party led by Roosevelt Skerrit will automatically win the next general elections in Dominica this come December 6. I mean, for God’s sake, if the Opposition is boycotting, who else will run against him and put up a credible alternative?

You see, another thing in this is that the UWP is selling the voter short. They have endured the international embarrassment Skerrit has brought to them with the Citizenship by Investment programme and all else. They have witnessed and endured the police brutality under his leadership. So why do you think the masses care about any register and national identification card for voting? If they want to they can drag Skerrrit out of office without the UWP, so don’t think too much of yourself Ms Francisca Joseph.

This is not a knock on women in leadership and as much as we rail against Mia Mottley in Barbados, she takes a different approach to governing. She had the people on her side well before the election 2018 election that gave her her first landslide election victory. Everybody at that time knew the government in Barbados was going to change and she had a lock on almost all levers of the system. Even if there were election irregularities she would have caught it or someone would have gone and fixed it because they believed in her. Did you think she was just handed power in Barbados? No. Ms Mottley is an animal. We respect her to that extent, her policies and how she has back-tracked on all of her promises is where we have the rub with her- but that is another editorial for another day.

The UWP was not ready to take power in Dominica anyway. So they may as well sit this one out. Bye! LOL!!

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