EDITORIAL: Is American media lying to us about the Russian advance in the Ukraine?

March 15, 2022

The way you hear about the invasion from large US networks you would believe that this invasion of the Ukraine by Russia was an all out bogus flop. But yet, they report people are leaving the Ukraine and are being killed every day as a result of the invasion. When you hear other reports from other news agencies around the world, like Al Jazeera and even other Eastern European junkets that happen to float by your screens they are telling you a totally different story- Russia is nearly in command of the Ukraine.

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has been clowning straight through, showing pictures and videos for the “Gram” and for social media like he is still making movies and doing public relations appearances. In the meantime, millions of Ukrainians are being displaced and killed every day.

The way CNN is painting the picture is that Zelensky is being brave amid the invasion all because he is posting for the gram in the midst of it all. What a time we live in? These millenials think everything is for show and tell for social media and some of these people are eating this up like its entertainment like people are not being displaced in the Ukraine in the thousands.

This generation is severely disconnected from the reality of pain and disconnected from reality in general.

We pray for those people in the Ukraine and we hope Russia backs off soon.

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