COP26 poised to be a failure!

November 12, 2021

Dear Media Colleagues, 

After one week of COP 26, there is widespread public perception that the Summit is poised to be a failure. According to CARICOM lead negotiators, the updated NDC Synthesis report still projects an overshoot of 1.5° C in spite of net zero by 2050 announcements from 140 countries. The USD 100bn roadmap still indicates a shortfall until 2023. Furthermore, key aspects to complete the Paris rulebook to accelerate action towards implementation of requisite provisions of the Paris Agreement have made little progress.

In the meantime, the World Leader’s Summit paints a different picture that appears to indicate that 1.5° will remain within reach. CARICOM Ministers and Heads of Delegations at Glasgow are expected to resolve process challenges to land a “Glasgow package”.  In a Ministerial briefing earlier today, CARICOM negotiators outlined the following as key issues that will require emphasis for CARICOM:  

  1. Climate justice
  2. Timeline and process for strengthening 2030 NDCs in line with 1.5°C ahead of the Global Stock take
  3. Process on tracking delivery of the promised $100bn/year and scaling up thereafter
  4. Outcome on doubling adaptation finance at a minimum
  5. Outcome on systematizing and dedicating finance for loss and damage  
  6. Addressing access to grants and concessional finance to SIDS
  7. Dedicated financial support for SIDS to enhance capacity for reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework
  8. Process for establishing new collective quantified goal on climate finance by 2023
  9. Robust rules and guidance that ensure environmental integrity, transparency, accountability in line with the Paris Agreement Work programme and the Paris Agreement

See CARICOM Declaration attached.

Grateful if you can disseminate to your networks and platforms. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Kind Regards,

Mrs. Chalsey Gill Anthony

Communications Assistant

Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC)

3rd Floor, David McKoy Business Centre

Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 563

Belmopan, Belize

Tel: +1(501) 822-1094/1104


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