Caribbean American Thought Advocate Launches Grassroots Political Education Initiatives

January 11, 2022

Juliette Adams creator of The Frederick Press on January 1, 2022 launched a creative and innovative holistic civic education tri-initiative. A simplified political vehicle that seeks to educate the politically disenfranchised through Education/Actions/Self – Investments, (EASI), within the framework of the Gifted & Magical 95 Percent (G&M 95%) series, a five-book political tool kit with everyday examples.

Adams, an independent registered voter and politically independent minded like Caribbean American Shirley Chisholm, the first black U.S. Congresswoman, cautiously attended the September 18, 2021, rally, to witness the state of U.S. democracy.

The fragility democracy experience demonstrated the relentless need for civic education in the 12-35 age group. Her enlightenment for greater civic education also comes with the projection by many political pundits of a 2022 majority sweeping change in both the House and Senate – a political scenario with the potential of creating legislative roadblocks and havoc into 2024.

The first initiative, A Human Capital Star – Civic Education Thought Initiative for 12-17 years old, assists 6th – 12th graders in strengthening their analytical skills as game-changers.

The second, Gifting Knowledge For Democracy Preservation, for the 18-25 age group, involves the distribution of the G& M 95% series and their participation in The Frederick Press online platforms of Caribbean Lime, the Public Policy Forum, and Newsroom Chat Time.

The third, Legislative Input – Powering Economic Democracy for those age 26-35, assists community colleges students and minimum wage earners to take greater responsibility in manifesting their dreams through online forums, entrepreneurial conference, economic legislation proposal, and documentary production.

Funding vehicles for A Human Capital Star – Civic Education Thought Initiative is on Kickstarter, concludes on January 28th. Gifting Knowledge For Democracy Preservation is on GoFundMe  and Legislative Input – Powering Economic Democracy, is on Indiegogo and conclude in February. 

The tri-initiative, which supports “Do Not Bet Against America” Warren Buffett, CEO, and Chairman of  Berkshire Hathaway mantra, has held the test of time. However, the looming question emerges: For how long without the intervention of an educated and politically energized voters base? Should the cautionary words of Sun Tzu not be heeded, “Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.”

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