According To CEPAL, Honduras Is Among The Two Countries In The Region With The Best Expectations For Economic Growth

July 20, 2021

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) updated its economic growth projections for 2021.

Forecasts for Central America highlight that Honduras and El Salvador will be the countries in the region that will grow the most in 2021.

According to CEPAL statistics, this year Honduras is expected to achieve 5% growth, surpassing the 9% drop in 2020.

For next year, according to ECLAC projections, Latin America and the Caribbean will grow 2.9% on average, which implies a slowdown compared to the 2021 rebound. However, Honduras will grow above the expected average and appears with an increase economic of 3.6%.

President Juan Orlando Hernández, upon learning of the figures projected by CEPAL, stated, “We have come a long way hand in hand with the private sector. The foundations are in place and although the challenges of this COVID-19 pandemic are gigantic and to add to that the ravages left by the passage of tropical storms Eta and Iota at the end of last year, I am sure that our determination to come out strengthened from this ordeal.”

The Government of Honduras has been creative and visionary in structuring a public policy to promote job creation as the main mechanism for the country’s economic reactivation.

This policy ranges from the creation of service centers for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which generate around 70% of employment in the country, to the creation of laws to promote tourism.

In addition, the government promotes a variety of housing construction and financing programs in different regions of the country.

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